Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Summer Drinks & Snacks

Summer Drinks & Snacks: www.advisorypanel.com/topic/Summer

As a member of the International Advisory Panel, I will be taking this short survey for moms about summer drinks and snacks. If you are interested in taking this survey (and a chance at a prize), please click on the link below. There will be 10 $25 prizes randomly chosen amongthose who participate in this survey.The deadline for response is Sunday, June 14th. Here is a link to the survey:http://www.advisorypanel.com/topic/Summer

If you are not a member of the Advisory Panel and would like to become one (it's free!) just go to:http://www.advisorypanel.com/index.html for details.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Facebook | Home

Facebook Home: www.carolynstearnsstoryteller.com

Carolyn Stearns is a wonderful woman who I have known since I was very small. Check out her website!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Camping in a what?

The girls are going camping this weekend with their church - in the rain. This will be Olivia's first tent camping experience and I hope it's a good one. We used to go camping when she was much younger. I tried to tell her that we used to go camping with our camper - it had a kitchen, bathroom, etc. She gave me a look like I had completely lost my mind. "What's a camper?" she asks me. I think she still believes I'm nuts (not that she's wrong about that). So, they are leaving tonight and it's supposed to rain all night. I really hope they make it through the night because I know she'll have a great time. It's supposed to be beautiful this weekend.

My husband will be helping a friend work on their house all weekend. I will be all alone with the boys! I should be excited to have only two children home, but now I keep thinking, "what am I going to do all weekend?" Ridiculous, isn't it! I'm pathetic.....

Thursday, June 4, 2009


So today there is a PTA Meeting at 3:30pm at my daughter's school. Of course my youngest, JoJo, is still sick. To tell the truth, I'm still not feeling very well either. This is the last meeting of the school year so there will be elections for new officers, etc. I am determined to get there this afternoon. My Dilemma: I'm not working, and my husband is currently out of work. He's out there today pounding the pavement handing out business cards and resumes. Do I ask him to come home to watch the kids for me?

Here is a little background: growing up, my parents weren't involved at my schools AT ALL. Back then I don't really remember caring about it all that much. Now that I have children, it's a whole different story. I am determined to be involved in their schooling as much as possible. I believe that the teachers can only do so much. It's up to us as parents to make sure that our children get everything they can out of their education. Communication between the parents, teachers and administrators is very important.

I have found it hard to balance my life the way I would like to. There are so many things I want to be involved in, so many things to do at home, and not all that much time! Of course, here I am on the computer (hahaha).

So back to today. Do I bring the boys with me and go to the PTA Meeting? Do I call my husband and ask him to come home and watch the boys so I can go to the PTA Meeting? I don't know....

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sick kids

Today I am sick and so are the kids. It seems like there is always a sick kid in the house and everytime this happens I keep asking myself the same question: How do I keep this sick, tired, grumpy little person happy? Of course there are always things that need to be done at home: laundry, dishes, picking up, cooking, etc. When I have a sick child, I have trouble peeling them off me long enough to go to the bathroom or take a shower! So what do we do to keep their spirits up and put a smile on their face? My kids love to be read to. I will sit on the couch with the kids around me (or on top of me ) and let them each pick out a few books. They give me their undivided attention and I can always get some smiles by using silly voices for the characters. So what do you do? I would love to hear your ideas!