Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sick kids

Today I am sick and so are the kids. It seems like there is always a sick kid in the house and everytime this happens I keep asking myself the same question: How do I keep this sick, tired, grumpy little person happy? Of course there are always things that need to be done at home: laundry, dishes, picking up, cooking, etc. When I have a sick child, I have trouble peeling them off me long enough to go to the bathroom or take a shower! So what do we do to keep their spirits up and put a smile on their face? My kids love to be read to. I will sit on the couch with the kids around me (or on top of me ) and let them each pick out a few books. They give me their undivided attention and I can always get some smiles by using silly voices for the characters. So what do you do? I would love to hear your ideas!

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